Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We guarantee that if you are not completely satisfied with your order, you may return it within sixty days, for a prompt refund. Albrite Inc. is a Florida corporation and follows the laws governing guarantees and warrantees.

  1. The guarantee applies even if you use the products.
  2. Only the cost of the merchandise is refundable, not the shipping and handling fee.
  3. No approval is required to return your order. Include your name, address, telephone number, purchase date and reference number. The reference number can be found on the upper right hand corner of the order form, on the shipping box label or on your returned check if you paid by check.
  4. If returning the order from outside the USA write on the face of the package in bold letters “Returned Merchandise.” If a monetary value is requested put “No Value”. 

VitaPick Limited Warranty

The VitaPick applicator is covered by a twelve months warranty against manufacturing defects. The warrantee is void if the tip is clogged. To receive a replacement of a defective VitaPick, at no charge, you must:

  1. Return the defective VitaPick within twelve months from the date of purchase.
  2. Include your name, address, telephone number, purchase date and reference number. The reference number can be found on the upper right hand corner of the order form, on the shipping box label or on your returned check if you paid by check.
  3. If returning the order from outside the USA write on the face of the package in bold letters “Returned Merchandise.” If a monetary value is requested put “No Value”. 

Mail “Returned Orders” to:

Albrite Inc.
P. O. Box 1625
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34688-1625

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