Gum Disease Symptoms

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The Symptoms of Periodontitis

What causes periodontitis? Bacteria (plaque) force the gum to detach from the tooth forming a pocket. Brushing flossing and irrigating cannot reach the bacteria at the base of the pocket. The pockets deepen and erode more of the bone that supports the teeth. The gum recedes, the teeth loosen and fall out!

Your dentist can quickly diagnose advanced gum disease or periodontitis. The book The Smile Method – How to Avoid Gum surgery and Dentures fully covers diagnosis and how to verify the effectiveness of The Smile Method.

If you are over thirty-five, you may have some form periodontitis. You may have one or more of the following warning signs of periodontitis.


Your gums bleed when you brush, floss or use a toothpick.


Your gums are tender, red or swollen.


Your teeth look longer due to gum recession.


You may notice pus on your gum-line.


Your breath has an unpleasant odor. Check it out for yourself or ask someone else take a sniff.


You may have an unpleasant taste in your mouth.


Your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold foods or beverages.


You feel pain or discomfort when chewing.


Some teeth may be loose.


Gum abscess may form.


You may have noticed a decline in how well you feel.

Kill the harmful bacteria,
the disease process stops
and the healing begins